Driven pile 219

The buried-driving piles manufactured by the South Ural Screw Piles Plant "Egoza" are extensively employed in the construction of foundations, retaining walls, and other structural elements of buildings and structures of diverse purposes in challenging climatic conditions. It is especially important in hard thawed and plastic frozen soils. If there are water-saturated layers in the designated soil, the piles are supplemented with casing.
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Pile diameter, mm: 219
Pile length, m: 4-36
Wall thickness, mm: 8-12
Pipe Type: Seamless Pipe / Electric Resistance Welded Pipe
Straight Seam Pipe Pipe Material: 09G2S 17G1S 14G2 St3sp5 St3sp4 St10 St20
Pile Tip Height, mm: 420; 190
Pile Tip Thickness, mm: 8-12
Connecting Plate Length, mm: 200
Plate Width, mm: 60
Number of Plates: 4

The buried-driving piles manufactured by the South Ural Screw Piles Plant "Egoza" are extensively employed in the construction of foundations, retaining walls, and other structural elements of buildings and structures of diverse purposes in challenging climatic conditions. It is especially important in hard thawed and plastic frozen soils. If there are water-saturated layers in the designated soil, the piles are supplemented with casing.

Features of using driven piles

Driven piles, similar to screw piles for foundations, are characterized by their ease of installation. Traditionally, piles are driven into a pre-made borehole using specialized equipment, with the borehole diameter being smaller than the diameter of the pile itself. This technology is suitable for frozen clayey, sandy, and thawed soils, subject to the absence of large rock fragments.

When ready-made piles are driven into the ground, they are accompanied by a displacement of soil upwards. As a result, a dense layer is formed both upwards and sideways. The structure is prevented from shifting under permissible loads.

Advantages of the technology

The installation of driven piles is a task that necessitates the utilization of highly skilled personnel. The preparation process involves clearing the site, determining the location of each pile, and delivering the necessary equipment. It is essential to follow the project specifications precisely and ensure the vertical alignment of the piles. If the alignment deviates from the required position by more than one percent, the wobble will occur.

Despite the numerous obstacles, this technology presents numerous advantages:

  • The process does not involve the utilization of sand-cement mortar. There is no need to wait for the structure to gain strength; one can immediately commence with additional work, resulting in a significant reduction in time.
  • It is suitable for working with various types of soils, including permafrost. It is
  • This rule is applicable throughout the year, regardless of the season.
  • It can be utilized in close proximity to existing structures without causing any adverse effects through potentially hazardous vibrations.
  • The used piles are capable of withstanding significant loads.
  • It does not require substantial financial investments. You can find the prices of 'Egoza' driven piles today. We are confident that our prices will meet your expectations, and that the quality will exceed your expectations.

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