Blade Pile 57

А single helical blade pile is composed of a metallic tube affixed to the helix on a welded or cast tip. The blade placement depth from the planning level should not be less than 5D for clayey soils and less than 6D for sands.
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Pile diameter, mm: 57
Pile length, m: 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 3.5 / 4 / 4.5 / 5 / 5.5 / 6
Wall thickness, mm: 3.5
Piles diameters, mm: 200
Pile weight, kg: 10.4 / 12.8 / 15 / 17.4 / 19.7 / 22 / 24.3 / 26.6 / 28.9
Tip: welded
Tip length, mm: 100
Blade Pitch, mm: 57
Blade Thickness, mm: 4

Helical blade piles are used in foundation construction in order to transfer a structure's load onto a stable substrate. The streamlined shaft surfaces of these piles are specifically engineered to minimize soil adhesion, thereby optimizing their performance.

А single helical blade pile is composed of a metallic tube affixed to the helix on a welded or cast tip.

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A foundation constructed with helical blade piles eliminates the necessity for settling and is immediately capable of accommodating fresh loads, thereby significantly expediting construction progress.

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  • A significant level of foundation ventilation has been achieved, resulting in a reduction in hydroisolation expenses.
  • There exists the possibility of a swift construction process, as installation typically takes a few days.
  • The affordable prices of screw piles contribute significantly to overall foundation cost savings.
  • The prevention of construction debris from forming at the installation site, which will improve the pace of work.
  • A comparison of the costs and benefits of consumable materials.
  • Upon proper selection and installation, the ability to resist corrosion processes will be achieved.
  • It is dependent upon soil conditions and product quality for the capacity to support loads ranging from 4 to 12 tons.

When there is a need for rapid construction of relatively small structures, such as private houses, saunas, gazebos, and similar, it is advisable to use helical blade piles.

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If possible, it is recommended that piles be manufactured at a facility that is specialized in helical pile production, rather than under impromptu circumstances. Also, it's important to remember some limitations when using this type of construction for building purposes.

First of all, helical products should not be used on rocky formations or in conditions where weak soil exists beneath a layer of solid earth.

Also important is to ensure adequate sharpening of the tips, as improper sharpening could hinder the correct installation, even that of a tree root. It is strictly prohibited to manually insert helical blade piles.

Using such a method indicates incompetence in this matter. A poorly executed installation of the pile foundation could pose a direct threat to the integrity of the entire structure it supports.

One final drawback pertains to the recommendation against executing installations during the winter months. This is a matter of economic impracticality, as creating a lead borehole would entail additional machinery costs, and screwing piles into frozen or debris-laden soil presents heightened complexity.

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